6C Sites, Landscapes and Survey: The Past, Present and Future of Non-Intrusive Geophysical Survey in the Field and the Laboratory

Stephen Kay, Kristian Strutt, Sophie Hay

The aim of this session is to discuss the methodologies of archaeological field survey that have best employed or enhanced the full potential of archaeological geophysics. Through the presentation of a range of site and landscape based studies, where integrated methodologies have been fundamental to successful data capture, the session will review the approach to archaeological problems where geophysical science has formed a fundamental part of the site epistemology. The session aims to develop a consensus on the best ways to improve geophysical field and laboratory methodologies in the face of the rapid development of techniques, particularly in terms of their increasing coverage. Papers will be accepted that deal with any aspect of these areas, from reviews of historic applications of geophysics for archaeological sites and landscapes and their influence on the development of the science, to ongoing research involving the techniques and state of the art applications.

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